Well spring of life

Wellspring means source i.e the extreme source or simply put, the only basic source of all that has happened, happening and will happen to you. A dirty source can’t produce anything clean. A heart full of bitterness and anger can’t produce joy and forgiveness. A poor heart can’t produce riches and wealth. Let the word […]

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The emotional God

Reading 2 Corinthians 9:7 today and it said, “don’t give reluctantly or under pressure, but do it cheerfully because God loves a cheerful giver. Then, the Holy Spirit said to me:: “don’t spend time with God reluctantly or under pressure.” I had never looked at that scripture using my quiet time! It hit me like […]

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“The Babylonians broke through the wall–and the city fell!” – Jer 39:2 When even the smallest breach is made in a wall–it is the beginning of the end! The breach is easily increased, until, loop  where at first only one or two men could enter–now a whole army pours through. Each of us lives ‘within […]

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